Thursday, December 30, 2010

Our Christmas Vacation: Days Eight and Nine

On Wednesday, we went to the Louvre. Everyone always says that you need more time than you can even imagine for the Louvre, and it's very true. I sat in the hall of Italian paintings and wished, very hard, that I could spend a whole day there. Three days. With an art history book on hand. Then I'd do the same thing for the next area. It was amazing, and overwhelming, and I don't know quite what else to say about it. Do you want to see a few pictures, instead? Yes?

It was crowded but not horrible, and the Mona Lisa room was hilarious, and there are all of these random staircases that I think they just put in to weed out the weak.

I want to go back to Paris. Before very long.

We made it back to Brussels without incident--everything is easier the second time--and today, forgive me for complaining, I seem to have done something to my back. I hope it's just my back, and not something internal. I hurt. It sucks, and it's stressful to potentially be sick and not at home, and so we have taken it very easy today. I am sitting on the couch with this laptop, watching a re-run of last year's Doctor Who Christmas special (sadness!), and drinking a lot of water and hoping I wake up tomorrow pain free. We're leaving for London early-ish, and we have plans to see St. Paul's tomorrow after we get there.

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